Looking for something special?

Java License Tools (JLT) were created in accordance with ideas of agile development. As such we try to keep simple things simple and repeating jobs automated.

  • 100% java solution, independent on running OS

    JLT are completely written in Java. There's no code depending on some type of OS. You are not limited by JLT and protected application will run everywhere like before.

    Custom components may be OS dependent.

  • Java 1.4 compatible

    All core libraries and plug-ins are Java 1.4 compatible. Also older applications can be protected without breaking their functionality or upgrading system.

    JLT Eclipse Plug-Ins require Java 6.

  • Protection application even JVM is modificated

    Your application is protected even if Java Virtual Machine is modified by attacker. Combination of strong encryption and decrypting only those parts of application for which are available suitable licenses, makes JVM modifications useless.

  • Strong protection without writing a line of code

    You can protect your application without writing a line of code. In Eclipse IDE select resources, classes or even methods you want to encrypt, use wizards to create required configuration files. It's fast and easy. See our video tutorial.

    Even encryption algorithms are strong, encryption is not the only protection JLT provide. To make attacker's life harder, you can use JLT Core API and check license availability and custom parameters.

  • Feature enabling/disabling based on licenses

    Give licenses and do not waste your time with disabling features of your application.

    Finish your feature and select parts of application to be encrypted.

  • Hight modularity and customizable configuration to fulfill all individual needs

    Encryption type, license validation parameters or license loaders can be selected by your needs. Small modules can be combined into chains and multiply resulting protection.

    Without additional compilation you can generate licenses e.g. checking IP for first customer and MAC address for other. Or you can create license with IP and computer name check. Number of combination is nearly unlimited and is up to you to select modules providing functionality you need.

    Cannot find appropriate module? JLT Core is extendible and offers API with lot of code examples.

  • Possibility to protect not only java classes and other resources but also single methods

    Only a few java protection frameworks offers strong encryption on a class level. But Java License Tools go further and support encryption of methods. With this unique feature you can forget on testing current license and hiding menu items or other GUI parts.

    Missing method is replaced by calling License listener which can react on such situation. You can implement your own License listener to finish required task or to ask customer for a valid license.

  • Byte-code generating for encrypted methods

    Do you want to change behavior of your application running without license and don't want to break protection?

    If there's no available license for encrypted method, the rest of class is still valid and running. Missing method is replaced by calling License listener which can react on such situation. You can implement your own License listener to finish required task or to ask customer for a valid license.

  • Compile once - distribute in editions.

    Distribution of various editions of your application do not need additional compilations and builds.

    Do not compile your code over and over again just to create various distributions. Generate license to enable required feature.

  • Simple integration to your automated build system

    Make a protection of your application a part of your development process.

    For both encryption and license generating JLT provide Apache Ant tasks. Also Apache Maven integration is easy and fully documented.

  • Automated license generating support

    For both encryption and license generating JLT provide Apache Ant tasks. Also Apache Maven integration is easy and fully documented.

    Moreover, if you are inconvenient with built-in support or you want to integrate license generating directly to your internet shop, JLT Core provide simple API to handle this.

  • Configuration tools integrated to Eclipse IDE

    Java License Tools comes with Eclipse IDE integration to decrease time needed to create appropriate protection and configurability. No learning new application, no need to switch to different environment.

    Integration into main development IDE has many advantages:

    • No need to switch to different environment.
    • No need to learn new application
    • Supporting latest development techniques.
    • Encourage to include protection to Unit tests



JLT Core & Utilities
JLT Core & Utilities
€1 299.00 (Exc. VAT)

File Key Loader
File Key Loader
€19.00 (Exc. VAT)

Command Line Application Starter
Command Line Application Starter
€19.00 (Exc. VAT)